Monday, October 22, 2018

What Are the Main Things to Ask Your Dental Hygienist About Your Dental Health?

Questions To Ask A Dental Hygenist
When visiting a dental hygienist, most people don’t really know what to expect, simply because they’re not fully aware of what a hygienist does or can do. A dental hygienist, however, is your best friend when it comes to dealing with your oral health problems. They can guide you on your flossing and brushing habits, provide you with insight on how to avoid cavities, and give you viable tips on what foods to consider and which ones to avoid.

If you visit a Lakewood dentist office hygienist, one of the first things you can ask them is whether or not your current diet and brushing/flossing habits are good enough. You can tell them all about how much you brush, how many times you floss, whether or not you have any addictions, such as alcohol, cigarettes or coffee, and whether you drink any hot or cold beverages that could affect your teeth.

Based on the hygienist’s recommendations, you can then adjust your habits so that your teeth will feel much better and you will no longer be at risk of developing toothaches, a fragile enamel or gingivitis.

It’s also important to ask the hygienist to provide you with specific advice on what could work best in your particular case, when it comes to using preventive products and practices to improve your dental health. They can recommend products like mouthwashes and fluoride toothpaste, which will help prevent plaque and keep your teeth clean much longer.